Sunday 28 February 2010

Feels Good!

Another sunday, another lazy day...again we had a week full of rain and wind so i stayed in doors most of the time and i couldn´t find anything good to photograph. London stills looking grey and gloomy but we can feel that something is going to change, the days feel a bit longer and at least we dont freeze when we wait for the bus.´..actually i think i am repeting myself when i think about my recent post...

I hope to find something good to photograph this week...

1 comment:

  1. Hola Anuska!! Por Santiago igualito que en Londres, no para de lllover y no vemos el sol desde hace meses, qué aburrimiento!! ni apetece salir a la calle! y si nos vamos a Benidorm a tomar el sol?? :) bicos
